A very Australian name, don't ya think...? Anywho, that-there's where I be. Temperature wise, considering it is 'Winter', (in July..?!) it is pretty mild, if you can push staying in bed underneath your 'doona' (duvet) long enough for the indoor temperature to increase slightly as the sun starts it's days work, without the risk of forfeiting applying your makeup (there is a line as to how far I will embrace the freedom of the great outdoors and nature, that line is vanity) - this is rural land, I've had a supply of thermal socks sent from mother and I don't know where I'd be come the evening without my (fake) fur coat - but saying that, I have managed to get down to a singlet (vest) on a clear day, to do so in Winter at home would, I think, be suicidal let alone plain stupid, so I'm lucky.
Taking a camera out 'on the job' is not really ideal due to its size
and I don't want to drop it in a pool of mud, however the work I'm doing
is called 'WWOOFING' (Willing Workers on Organic Farms - I am a
'WWOOFER'...) which is unpaid, however in return you get fed and a bed.
It is recommended on both the Aussie Gov. and Wwoofing sites to have
some form of evidence from receipts from the area - the local shop being
a 45 minute walk away, to pictures - mud + precious camera = no, or a
diary/ blog (the extra kick I needed to get this bad boy going) so as a small compromise - at this point nearing the end of my
first calendar month - these uploaded pics were taken at times when I've had my camera to hand, snaps of the mud, along the dirt road track and a few
interesting trees that are around too, we used one for an outdoor fire last
night, the smokey gum-tree smell of which I think will be embedded in my
nylon fur, forever.
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